Browse Books in Political Science

The Future of Kurdistan in Iraq

Satanic Purses
Money, Myth, and Misinformation in the War on Terror
Canadian Provincial Politics, Third Edition

Canadian Provincial Politics, Second Edition

The Chrétien Legacy
Politics and Public Policy in Canada

Canadian Democratic Audit

Dialogues on the Practice of Fiscal Federalism

Canadian Bilingual Districts
From Cornerstone to Tombstone

The Gruesome Acts of Capitalism

Global Governance in Question
Empire, Class and the New Common Sense in Managing North-South Relations

Another World Is Possible
Globalization and Anti-Capitalism

How Ottawa Spends, 2006-2007
In From the Cold: The Tory Rise and the Liberal Demise
How Ottawa Spends, 2006-2007
In From the Cold: The Tory Rise and the Liberal Demise

The World is Our Witness
The Historic Journey of the Nisga'a into Canada

World is Our Witness
The Historic Journey of the Nisga’a into Canada

Federal-Provincial Diplomacy
The Making of Recent Policy in Canada

Canadian and Mexican Security in the New North America
Challenges and Prospects

Race Against Time
Searching for Hope in AIDS-Ravaged Africa

The International Self
Psychoanalysis and the Search for Israeli-Palestinian Peace

Crude Power
Politics and the Oil Market

Negotiating Nationalism
Nation-Building, Federalism, and Secession in the Multinational State

Towards Positive Systems of Child and Family Welfare
International Comparisons of Child Protection, Family Service, and Community Caring Systems

Young Trudeau: 1919-1944
Son of Quebec, Father of Canada

Gramsci's Politics of Language
Engaging the Bakhtin Circle and the Frankfurt School