Browse Books in Political Science

Strategic Science in the Public Interest
Canada's Government Laboratories and Science-Based Agencies

International Ecopolitical Theory
Critical Approaches

Spheres of Governance
Comparative Studies of Cities in Multilevel Governance Systems

A Question of Commitment
Children's Rights in Canada

An Introduction to International Health

Canadian Founding
John Locke and Parliament

The Canadian Founding
John Locke and Parliament

Leadership, Representation, & Elections
Essays in Honour of John C. Courtney

The Triumph of Citizenship
The Japanese and Chinese in Canada, 1941-67

Exalted Subjects
Studies in the Making of Race and Nation in Canada

Intent for a Nation
What is Canada For?

Filming Politics
Communism and the Portrayal of the Working Class at the National Film Board of Canada, 1939-46

Filming Politics
Communism and the Portrayal of the Working Class at the National Film Board of Canada, 1939-46

Humanite: John Humphry's Alternative
John Humphrey's Alternative Account of Human Rights

Learning Civil Societies
Shifting Contexts for Democratic Planning and Governance

Talk of the Nation
Language and Conflict in Romania and Slovakia

Comparing Border Security in North America and Europe

The Chemical Weapons Taboo

On the Move
The Politics of Social Change in Latin America

Canadian Parties in Transition, Third Edition

Two Innocents in Red China

Gender Relations in Global Perspective
Essential Readings

The People's House of Commons
Theories of Democracy in Contention

Household Counts
Canadian Households and Families in 1901