Browse Books in Political Science

A History of Ideas

Corporate Wasteland
The Landscape and Memory of Deindustrialization

The Alberta Supreme Court at 100
History and Authority

American Power
Potential and Limits in the Twenty-First Century

The Way It Works
Inside Ottawa

Global Conscience

Growling Tiger, Roaring Dragon
India, China and the New World Order

David Hume's Political Theory
Law, Commerce and the Constitution of Government

George Grant
A Guide to His Thought

Sustaining Human Rights
Women and Argentine Human Rights Organizations

The 2006 Federal Budget
Rethinking Fiscal Priorities

Pro-Poor Land Reform
A Critique

Business and Government in Canada

The Practice of Fiscal Federalism
Comparative Perspectives

Sustainability by Design
A Vision for a Region of 4 Million

The Upside of Down
Catastrophe, Creativity and the Renewal of Civilization

Transforming the Nation
Canada and Brian Mulroney

City Making in Paradise
Nine Decisions that Saved Vancouver

Nixon in China
The Week That Changed The World

Getting to Maybe
How the World Is Changed

Canada's Trial Courts
Two Tiers or One?

How Ottawa Spends, 2007-2008
The Harper Conservatives - Climate of Change

Entrepreneurial States
Reforming Corporate Governance in France, Japan, and Korea

Canadas of the Mind
The Making and Unmaking of Canadian Nationalisms in the Twentieth Century