Browse Books in Political Science

Indigenous Peoples and the Future of Federalism

Politics of the Periphery
Governing Global Suburbia

The Storm of Progress
Climate Change, AI, and the Roots of Our Dangerous Ethical Myopia

The Spaces In Between
Indigenous Sovereignty within the Canadian State

Black Boys Like Me
Confrontations with Race, Identity, and Belonging

Justice, Rights, and Toleration
Essays for Richard Vernon

The Workers' Way to Freedom
and Other Council Communist Writings

Work Less
New Strategies for a Changing Workplace
Identity, Diplomacy and Design
A Study of Canada’s Embassies in the Age of Reconciliation

Fiscal Federalism in Canada
Analysis, Evaluation, Prescription

Total Defence Forces in the Twenty-First Century

Rattling the Cages
Oral Histories of North American Political Prisoners

A Woman's Right to Know
Pregnancy Testing in Twentieth-Century Britain

Children, Childhoods, and Global Politics

Global Poverty
Rethinking Causality

Le sous-développement durable

A Woman in a Man’s World

The Harris Legacy
Reflections on a Transformational Premier

The Riddle of Human Rights

Refugees Are (Not) Welcome Here
The Paradox of Protection in Canada

The Elephant Has Two Sets of Teeth
Bhutanese Refugees and Humanitarian Governance


Plato's Reasons
Logician, Rhetorician, Dialectician

Intelligence Cooperation under Multipolarity
Non-American Perspectives