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Browse Books in Political Science

Higher Expectations

How to Survive Academia, Make it Better for Others, and Transform the University

by (author) Roberta Hawkins & Leslie Kern

For the Public Good

Reimagining Arts Graduate Programs in Canadian Universities

by (author) Loleen Berdahl, Jonathan Malloy & Lisa Young

Feministing in Political Science

edited by Alana Cattapan, Ethel Tungohan, Nisha Nath, Fiona MacDonald & Stephanie Paterson

Canada and Colonialism

An Unfinished History

by (author) Jim Reynolds

Broken City

Land Speculation, Inequality, and Urban Crisis

by (author) Patrick M. Condon

Land and the Liberal Project

Canada’s Violent Expansion

by (author) Éléna Choquette

Political Activist Ethnography

Studies in the Social Relations of Struggle

edited by Agnieszka Doll, Laura Bisaillon & Kevin Walby

On Othering

Processes and Politics of Unpeace

edited by Yasmin Saikia & Chad Haines

Migration Governance in North America

Policy, Politics, and Community

edited by Kiran Banerjee & Craig Damian Smith

The Consulting Trap

How Professional Service Firms Hook Governments and Undermine Democracy

by (author) Chris Hurl & Leah B. Werner

The Unfinished Quest

India's Search for Major Power Status from Nehru to Modi

by (author) T.V. Paul

Justin Trudeau on the Ropes

Governing in Troubled Times

by (author) Paul Wells

Stroll, updated edition

by (author) Shawn Micallef
illustrated by Marlena Zuber

What Women Represent

The Impact of Women in Parliament

by (author) Erica Rayment

Friends and Enemies

Essays in Canada's Foreign Relations

by (author) J.L. Granatstein

A Sunny Place for Shady People

How Malta Became One of the Most Curious and Corrupt Places in the World

by (author) Ryan Murdock

About Canada: Health and Illness, 3rd Edition

by (author) Dennis Raphael

The Walls Have Eyes

Surviving Migration in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

by (author) Petra Molnar
foreword by E. Tendayi Achiume

Canada’s Surprising Constitution

Unexpected Interpretations of the Constitution Act, 1982

edited by Howard Kislowicz, Richard J. Moon & Kerri Anne Froc

Canada vs California

How Ottawa took on Netflix and the streaming giants

by (author) Howard Law

Canada's State Police

150 years of the RCMP

by (author) Greg Marquis

Constraining the Court

Judicial Power and Policy Implementation in the Charter Era

by (author) James B. Kelly

The Afterworld

Long COVID and International Relations

edited by Frédéric Mérand & Jennifer Welsh
contributions by Anthony Amicelle, Valérie Amiraux, Vincent Arel-Bundock, Ari Van Assche, Daniel Béland, Karim Benyekhlef, Mark R. Brawley, Dominique Caouette, Allison Christians, Ryoa Chung, François Crépeau, Pierre-Marie David, Magdalena Dembińska, Peter Dietsch, Thomas Druetz, Pearl Eliadis, Philippe Fournier, François Furstenberg, Pablo Gilabert, Timothy Hodges, Maya Jegen, Juliet Johnson, Nicholas King, Erick Lachapelle, Justin Leroux, Pierre Martin, Sarah-Myriam Martin-Brûlé, María Martín de Almagro Iniesta, Erik Martinez Kuhonta, Theodore McLauchlin, Frédéric Mégret, Cynthia Milton, Laurence Monnais, Christian Novak, Mireille Paquet, T.V. Paul, Krzysztof Pelc, Pierre-Olivier Pineau, Vincent Pouliot, René Provost, Lee Seymour, Thomas Soehl, Maïka Sondarjee, Samuel Tanner, Jean-Philippe Thérien, Hamish van der Ven, Luna Vives, Marie-Joëlle Zahar & Alain Gagnon

Traveling Auteurs

The Geopolitics of Postwar Italian Cinema

by (author) Luca Caminati

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