Browse Books in Political Science

Higher Expectations
How to Survive Academia, Make it Better for Others, and Transform the University

For the Public Good
Reimagining Arts Graduate Programs in Canadian Universities

Feministing in Political Science

Canada and Colonialism
An Unfinished History

Broken City
Land Speculation, Inequality, and Urban Crisis

Land and the Liberal Project
Canada’s Violent Expansion

Political Activist Ethnography
Studies in the Social Relations of Struggle

On Othering
Processes and Politics of Unpeace

Migration Governance in North America
Policy, Politics, and Community

The Consulting Trap
How Professional Service Firms Hook Governments and Undermine Democracy
The Unfinished Quest
India's Search for Major Power Status from Nehru to Modi

Justin Trudeau on the Ropes
Governing in Troubled Times

Stroll, updated edition

What Women Represent
The Impact of Women in Parliament

Friends and Enemies
Essays in Canada's Foreign Relations

A Sunny Place for Shady People
How Malta Became One of the Most Curious and Corrupt Places in the World

About Canada: Health and Illness, 3rd Edition

The Walls Have Eyes
Surviving Migration in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Canada’s Surprising Constitution
Unexpected Interpretations of the Constitution Act, 1982

Canada vs California
How Ottawa took on Netflix and the streaming giants

Canada's State Police
150 years of the RCMP

Constraining the Court
Judicial Power and Policy Implementation in the Charter Era

The Afterworld
Long COVID and International Relations

Traveling Auteurs
The Geopolitics of Postwar Italian Cinema