Browse Books in Political Science

Finding American
Stories of Immigration from All 50 States

Settler-Indigeneity in the West Bank

Social Democracy, Capitalism, and Competition
A Manifesto

Nation Branding and International Politics

The Party's Over: The Case for a Canadian Rebellion

Transformative Politics of Nature
Overcoming Barriers to Conservation in Canada

Seeking Social Democracy
Seven Decades in the Fight for Equality

The Race to Mine the World's Most Vulnerable Places

We, the Data
Human Rights in the Digital Age

The Making of a Disability Activist

Guía De Comercio Justo
Para Construir Juntos Un Mundo Mejor

The Mantle of Struggle
A Biography of Black Revolutionary Rosie Douglas

The Wall Between
What Jews and Palestinians Don't Want to Know about Each Other

The Dillon Era
Douglas Dillon in the Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson Administrations

A Healthy Future
Lessons from the Frontlines of a Crisis

Churchill and Africa
Empire, Decolonisation and Race

My Life in Propaganda
Language and Totalitarian Regimes

Cracking the Nazi Code
The Untold Story of Canada's Greatest Spy

Canada Alone
Navigating the Post-American World

Urban Revolutions
Urbanisation and (Neo-)Colonialism in Transatlantic Context

The Challenges of a Secular Quebec
Bill 21 in Perspective

Silent Partners
The Origins and Influence of Canada’s Military-Industrial Complex

Russian Liberalism

A Separate Star
Politics and Strategy for Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Colonial, and Anti-Imperialist Struggle