Browse Books in Political Science

I Got a Name
The Murder of Krystal Senyk

Fire Weather
The Making of a Beast

Why We Serve
Stories of Today's RCMP Members

The Role of Canadian City Managers
In Their Own Words

Enduring Work
Experiences with Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program

Beyond Grudges, Grievances, and Disunity

Enduring Work
Experiences with Canada's Temporary Foreign Worker Program

Le Canada
Au-delà des rancunes, des doléances et de la discorde

Intercommunal Warfare and Ethnic Peacemaking
The Dynamics of Urban Violence in Central Asia

Bernie Bros Gone Woke
Class, Identity, Neoliberalism

Fundamentals of National Security Accountablility in Canada

Slave King
Rebels Against Empire - A Novel
Fundamentals of National Security Accountability in Canada

Agent of Change
My Life Fighting Terrorists, Spies, and Institutional Racism

Upholding Indigenous Economic Relationships
Nehiyawak Narratives

Party Switching in Israel
A Historical and Comparative Analysis

Global Libidinal Economy

“We Are in Charge Here”
Inuit Self-Government and the Nunatsiavut Assembly
Voters Under Pressure
Group-Based Cross-Pressure and Electoral Volatility

Bob Rae - Learning from the Past, Imagining the Future - Apprendre du passé, façonner l’avenir
Reflections from a Political Life - Réflexions sur une vie politique

Gigs, Hustles, & Temps
How precarious work lowers wages, makes Canadians poorer and deprives workers of rights- while it empowers and enriches big corporations

Fear of a Black Nation
Race, Sex, and Security in Sixties Montreal

Racism in Southern Alberta and Anti-racist Activism for Change

We Shall Persist
Women and the Vote in the Atlantic Provinces