Browse Books in Political Science

Hidden Politics in the UN Sustainable Development Goals

When Heroes Become Villains
Helmcken, Trutch, Bowser, and the Streets, Lakes, and Towns Named After Them

The Canadian Non-profit Sector
Neoliberalism and the Assault on Community

The Scandalous Rise of Inequality in Canada

Hope is a Woman's Name
My Journey as a Bedouin Palestinian Activist in Israel

A Trip into the Mirror World

Deep Disposal
A Documentary Account of Burying Nuclear Waste in Canada

Speaking Truth to Canadians about Their Public Service

The Greatest Da Vinci Deal
Trump's Election Campaign and the Strange Case of a Masterpiece, a Sheikh and a Piece of Florida Real Estate

Dogged and Destructive
Essays on the Winnipeg Police

The Exclusion Effect
How the Sciences Discourage Girls & Women & What to do about it

The Internet Con
How to Seize the Means of Computation

At a Loss for Words
Conversation in an Age of Rage

The Adaptable Country
How Canada Can Survive the Twenty-First Century

Shifting Gears
Canadian Autoworkers and the Changing Landscape of Labour Politics

What Ukrainian Elections Taught Me about Democracy

Roles of Resistance
Game Plans for Teachers and Troublemakers

Shadows of Tyranny
Defending Democracy in an Age of Dictatorship

The Heart of the Matter
Ilyenkov, Vygotsky and the Courage of Thought

Doing Democracy Differently
Indigenous Rights and Representation in Canada and Latin America

The Symons Medal: La médaille Symons
Twenty Years of Reflection on an Evolving Canada: Vingt ans de réflexion sur le Canada, un pays en évolution

The Social Safety Net
Canada in Decline Book One

First Nations 101
Tons of Stuff You Need to Know (2nd edition)

Local Governance in Transition
Toward Sustainable Canadian Communities