Browse Books in Reference
Editing Nineteenth-Century Texts
Concise Dictionary of Comics
Cures for Chance
Adoptive Relations in Shakespeare and Middleton
Lope de Vega Studies 1937-1962
A Critical Survey and Annotated Bibliography
Editing Nineteenth-Century Texts
Rhythm in the Novel
The Literary History of Saskatchewan Volume 3: Advances
Volume 3: Advances
Rhythm in the Novel
The Literary History of Saskatchewan
Volume 2 - Progressions
The Broadview Pocket Glossary of Literary Terms
Best Canadian Essays 2013
Literary History of Saskatchewan
This Woman in Particular
Contexts for the Biographical Image of Emily Carr
Fous, prodigues et ivrognes
Familles et déviance à Montréal au XIXe siècle
Existentialist Thinkers and Ethics
Collected Works of Erasmus
Controversies, Volume 72
Collected Works of Erasmus
Adages: III iv 1 to IV ii 100, Volume 35
Reference Sources for Canadian Literary Studies
The Correspondence of Erasmus
Letters 1-141, Volume 1
Collected Works of Erasmus
Paraphrase on Acts, Volume 50
Collected Works of Erasmus
Annotations on Romans, Volume 56
The Correspondence of Erasmus
Letters 1535-1657, Volume 11
Collected Works of Erasmus
Paraphrases on the Epistles to Timothy, Titus and Philemon, the Epistles of Peter and Jude, the Epistle of James, the Epistles of John, and the Epistle to the Hebrews
Collection Clues
Margaret Atwood's Bodily Harm