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Browse Books in French

Laughing Matters

Farce and the Making of Absolutism in France

by (author) Sara Beam

The Dialogue of Writing

Essays in Eighteenth-Century French Literature

by (author) Christie McDonald

The Growth of A la recherche du temps perdu

A Chronological Examination of Proust's Manuscripts from 1909 to 1914 (Two Volume Set)

by (author) Anthony R. Pugh

Notes from Exile

by (author) Emile Zola
edited by Dorothy E. Speirs & Yannick Portebois

Feminist Interpretations of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

edited by Lynda Lange

Angelic Echoes

Hervé Guibert and Company

by (author) Ralph Sarkonak

Victor Hugo and the Romantic Drama

by (author) Albert W. Halsall

Aphorism in the Francophone Novel of the Twentieth Century

by (author) Mark Bell

Antonin Artaud’s Alternate Genealogies

Self-Portraits and Family Romances

by (author) John C. Stout

Reading an Erased Code

Romantic Religion and Literary Aesthetics in France

by (author) Michel Despland

A Ricoeur Reader

Reflection and Imagination

by (author) Paul Ricoeur
edited by Mario Valdes

A Ricoeur Reader

Reflection and Imagination

by (author) Paul Ricoeur
edited by Mario Valdes

André Malraux

Towards the Expression of Transcendence

by (author) David Bevan


Regards sur les Essais

by (author) Felix Atance & Lane Heller

The Narcissistic Text

A Reading of Camus' Fiction

by (author) Brian Fitch

The Narcissistic Text

A Reading of Camus' Fiction

by (author) Brian Fitch

The Idea of Decadence in French Literature, 1830-1900

by (author) A.E. Carter

Blaise Cendrars

Discovery and Re-creation

by (author) Jay Bochner

Blaise Cendrars

Discovery and Re-creation

by (author) Jay Bochner

The Idea of Decadence in French Literature, 1830-1900

by (author) A.E. Carter

La Littérature Occitane du Moyen Age

Bibliographie Sélective et Critique

by (author) Robert A. Taylor

Sémantique synchronique

synonymie, homonymie, polysémie

by (author) Henry Schogt

Science and the Human Comedy

Natural Philosophy in French Literature from Rabelais to Maupertuis

by (author) Harcourt Brown

Sémantique synchronique

synonymie, homonymie, polysémie

by (author) Henry Schogt

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