Browse Books in Literary Criticism

New Readings of Yiddish Montreal - Traduire le Montréal yiddish

By Word of Mouth
The Poetry of Dennis Cooley

The World of Perversion
Psychoanalysis and the Impossible Absolute of Desire

Emry's Dream
Greystone Theatre in Photographs and Words

This Is My Country, What's Yours?
A Literary Atlas of Canada

Print Culture and the Medieval Author
Chaucer, Lydgate, and Their Books 1473-1557

A Critical Study of Ten Latin American Writers of Canada
Dropped Glove in Regent Street, A
An Autobiography by Other Means

From Revolution to Ethics
May 1968 and Contemporary French Thought

What's the Import?
Nineteenth-Century Poems and Contemporary Critical Practice

The Blue Mountains and Other Gaelic Stories from Cape Breton
Na Beanntaichean Gorma agus Sgeulachdan Eile à Ceap Breatainn

Space and the Geographies of Theatre

Environmental and Site-Specific Theatre

Queer Theatre in Canada

Unsettling Narratives
Postcolonial Readings of Children’s Literature

In Search of Authority - Third Edition
An Introductory Guide to Literary Theory

All the Good Pilgrims
Tales of the Camino de Santiago

Carol Shields and the Extra-Ordinary

Trapped in Thought
A Study of the Beckettian Mentality

L' Allemagne de Liberté
Sur la germanophilie des intellectuels québecois

Laughing Matters
Farce and the Making of Absolutism in France

Re: Producing Women's Dramatic History
The Politics of Playing in Toronto