Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Le Complexe d’Hermès
Regards philosophiques sur la traduction

The Death and Afterlife of Achilles

John Donne and the Line of Wit
From Metaphysical to Modernist

Fierce Departures
The Poetry of Dionne Brand

Wild Words
Essays on Alberta Literature

Reaney Days in the West Room

Romantic Psychoanalysis
The Burden of the Mystery

Annihilated Time
Poetry and Other Politics

Marco Polo and the Encounter of East and West


Dal and Rice

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - The Major Works

Against the Shore
The Best of the Pacific Rim Review of Books

The Education of Henry Adams


Shakespeare's Comedies of Love

We Are What We Mourn
The Contemporary English-Canadian Elegy

Blues and Bliss
The Poetry of George Elliott Clarke

Canadian Literature at the Crossroads of Language and Culture

Between Worlds
The Rhetorical Universe of Paradise Lost

A Comics Studies Reader

Renaissance Tropologies
The Cultural Imagination of Early Modern England

Folk and Fairy Tales, fourth edition
An Introductory Anthology
The Paris Review Interviews, III
The Indispensable Collection of Literary Wisdom