Browse Books in Literary Criticism

The False Laws of Narrative
The Poetry of Fred Wah

Elements of Literature
Canadian Edition

Mythologies of Migration, Vocabularies of Indenture
Novels of the South Asian Diaspora in Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia-Pacific

From a Speaking Place
Writings from the First Fifty Years of Canadian Literature

I Like It Like That
True Stories of Gay Male Desire

Defoe's Footprints
Essays in Honour of Maximillian E. Novak

Counterrealism and Indo-Anglian Fiction

Wider Boundaries of Daring
The Modernist Impulse in Canadian Women’s Poetry

The Broadview Anthology of British Literature Volume 1: The Medieval Period - Second Edition
Volume 1: The Medieval Period

Modernism and the Culture of Efficiency
Ideology and Fiction

The Outrageous Juan Rana Entremeses
A Bilingual and Annotated Selection of Plays Written for This Spanish Age Gracioso

Concert of Voices - Second Edition
An Anthology of World Writing in English

Études sur la traduction de l’anglais

Robertson Davies
A Portrait in Mosaic

Transnational Canadas
Anglo-Canadian Literature and Globalization

Unsettled Remains
Canadian Literature and the Postcolonial Gothic

Northrop Frye's Canadian Literary Criticism and Its Influence

Short Fiction and Critical Contexts
A Compact Reader

Fighting Words
Imperial Censorship and the Russian Press, 1804-1906

Memoirs of Emma Courtney

The Victorian Art of Fiction
Nineteenth-Century Essays on the Novel

Pell Mell

Women Novelists Before Jane Austen
The Critics and Their Canons

Women Novelists Before Jane Austen
The Critics and Their Canons