Browse Books in Literary Criticism

Northrop Frye
New Directions from Old

Engendering Genre
The Works of Margaret Atwood

Études sur la traduction de l'anglais

Translating Pain
Immigrant Suffering in Literature and Culture

Transatlantic Passages
Literary and Cultural Relations between Quebec and Francophone Europe

Imagining Toronto


Making Waves
Reading BC and Pacific Northwest Literature

A Moving Rhetoricke
Gender and silence in early modern England

SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, vol. 30
Shaw and the Irish Literary Tradition

Saints Alive
Word, Image, and Enactment in the Lives of the Saints

Italian Experimental Literature and Arts in the 1960s

Reading Carol Bolt

Establishing Our Boundaries
English-Canadian Theatre Criticism

Beauty and Sadness

Essentials, The
150 Great BC Books & Authors

Odes for Victorious Athletes

Melting-Pot Modernism

At Alberta

A Reader of Modern Urdu Poetry
Partisan Expression in Contemporary American Literature and Culture

Ars Americana, Ars Politica
Partisan Expression in Contemporary American Literature and Culture

Oedipus against Freud
Myth and the End(s) of Humanism in 20th Century British Literature

Locating the Past / Discovering the Present
Perspectives on Religion, Culture, and Marginality

Animal Alterity
Science Fiction and the Question of the Animal