Browse Books in Nuclear Warfare

UAPs and the Nuclear Puzzle
Visitations, National Security, and the Need for Transparency (Incidents That Demand Investigation and Disclosure)

The Manhattan Project

Atomic Assurance
The Alliance Politics of Nuclear Proliferation

Camera Atomica

How We Stopped Loving the Bomb
An insider's account of the world on the brink of banning nuclear arms

Broken Arrow No.1
The World's First Lost Atomic Bomb

Canada and the Cold War

Broken Wings
Tragedy and Disaster in Alaska Civil Aviation

NATO and the Bomb

Canada's Early Nuclear Policy
Fate, Chance, and Character

Power versus Prudence
Why Nations Forgo Nuclear Weapons

Canadian Nuclear Weapons
The Untold Story of Canada's Cold War Arsenal

The Ultimate Evil
The Fight to Ban Nuclear Weapons

The Nixon Administration and the Making of U.S. Nuclear Strategy

Nuclear Fallacies
How We Have Been Misguided since Hiroshima