Browse Books in Military
In Defence of Canada Volume II
Appeasement and Rearmament
The Conscription Crisis of 1944
In Defence of Canada Volume I
From the Great War to the Great Depression
Wolfe and Montcalm
Safeguarding Canada 1763-1871
Land and Power
British and Allied Policy on Germany's Frontiers 1916-19
A Displaced Nation
The 1954 Evacuation and Its Political Impact on the Vietnam Wars
Graphic War Navy
The Secret Naval Drawings and Illustrations of World War II
The Avro Arrow New Edition
The story of the great Canadian Cold War interceptor jet in pictures and documents
In Defence of Canada
Reflections Of A Patriot
A Most Extraordinary Ride
Space, Politics, and the Pursuit of a Canadian Dream
Canada's Air Force
The Royal Canadian Air Force at 100
A Canadian Chaplain in the Great War
Revisiting B. J. Murdoch’s The Red Vineyard
Punching Above Our Weight
The Canadian Military at War Since 1867
The Good Allies
How Canada and the United States Fought Together to Defeat Fascism during the Second World War
A Canadian Chaplain in the Great War
Revisiting B.J. Murdoch's The Red Vineyard
Battle of Britain
Canadian Airmen in their Finest Hour
Not Just a Man’s War
Chinese Women’s Memories of the War of Resistance against Japan, 1931–45
we the same
Unwinnable Peace
Untold Stories of Canada's Mission in Afghanistan
A Communist for the RCMP
The Uncovered Story of a Social Movement Informant
Panzer III vs T-34
Eastern Front 1941
Frontier Science
Northern Canada, Military Research, and the Cold War, 1945-1970
A Global History of Mass Confinement