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Browse Books in Post-confederation (1867-)


Colonialism, Resources, and the Histories We Remember

by (author) Adele Perry

Queen of the Maple Leaf

Beauty Contests and Settler Femininity

by (author) Patrizia Gentile

Our Backs Warmed by the Sun

Memories of a Doukhobor Life

by (author) Vera Maloff

Canadarm and Collaboration

How Canada’s Astronauts and Space Robots Explore New Worlds

by (author) Elizabeth Howell
foreword by David Williams

The Tailor Project

How 2,500 Holocaust Survivors Found a New Life in Canada

by (author) Andrea Knight, Paula Draper & Nicole Bryck
foreword by Larry Enkin
introduction by Harold Troper

John Lennon, Yoko Ono and the Year Canada Was Cool

by (author) Greg Marquis

The Ku Klux Klan in Canada

A Century of Promoting Racism and Hate in the Peaceable Kingdom

by (author) Allan Bartley

The Days That Are No More

Tales of Kent County New Brunswick

by (author) Loney Hudson


The Politics of Loss and Survival in Anishinaabe Territory

by (author) Brittany Luby

Step into Wilderness

A Pictorial History of Outdoor Exploration in and around the Comox Valley

by (author) Deborah Griffiths
with Christine Dickinson, Judy Hagen & Catherine Siba

Compelled to Act

Histories of Women's Activism in Western Canada 

edited by Sarah Carter & Nanci Langford

Brotherhood to Nationhood

George Manuel and the Making of the Modern Indian Movement

by (author) Peter Mcfarlane & Doreen Manuel
foreword by Pamela Palmater

The Bomb in the Wilderness

Photography and the Nuclear Era in Canada

by (author) John O'Brian

The Larder of the Wise

The Story of Vancouver's James Inglis Reid Ltd.

by (author) M. Anne Wyness

Vancouver Exposed

Searching for the City's Hidden History

by (author) Eve Lazarus

The Hermit of Africville

The Life of Eddie Carvery

by (author) Jon Tattrie

Queens County

A History in Pictures

by (author) Kathleen Stitt, Vernon Oickle & Linda Rafuse

The Diary of Dukesang Wong

A Voice from Gold Mountain

edited by David McIlwraith
translated by Wanda Joy Hoe
by (author) Dukesang Wong

Reclaiming Hamilton

Essays from the New Ambitious City

edited by Paul Weinberg
contributions by Matthew Bin, Nancy B. Bouchier, Ken Cruikshank, Joey Coleman, Kerry Le Clair, Robert S. Fiedler, Kevin MacKay, Ryan McGreal, Seema Narula, Jessica Rose, Shawn Selway, Margaret Shkimba & Sarah V. Wayland

The Fight for History

75 Years of Forgetting, Remembering, and Remaking Canada's Second World War

by (author) Tim Cook

Mnidoo Bemaasing Bemaadiziwin

Reclaiming, Reconnecting, and Demystifying Resiliency as Life Force Energy for Residential School Survivors

by (author) Theresa Turmel

L’avenir du passé

Identité, mémoire et récits de la jeunesse québécoise et franco-ontarienne

by (author) Stéphane Lévesque & Jean-Philippe Croteau


by (author) Anne-Marie Saint-Cerny
translated by W. Donald Wilson

Seven Days in Hell

Canada's Battle for Normandy and the Rise of the Black Watch Snipers

by (author) David O'Keefe

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