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Browse Books in Canada

Friends, Foes, and Furs

George Nelson's Lake Winnipeg Journals, 1804-1822

by (author) Harry W. Duckworth

Service on the Skeena

Horace Wrinch, Frontier Physician

by (author) Geoff Mynett

Ordinary Saints

Women, Work, and Faith in Newfoundland

by (author) Bonnie Morgan

Home Feelings

Liberal Citizenship and the Canadian Reading Camp Movement

by (author) Jody Mason

Hell's Flames to Heaven's Gate

A History of the Roman Catholic Church in Newfoundland

by (author) Jack Fitzgerald

Disrupting Deportability

Transnational Workers Organize

by (author) Leah F. Vosko

Masters and Servants

The Hudson’s Bay Company and Its North American Workforce, 1668–1786

by (author) Scott P. Stephen

Rough Road to the North

A Vagabond on the Great Northern Highway

by (author) Jim Christy

Masters of the Air

The Great War Pilots McLeod, McKeever, and MacLaren

by (author) Roger Gunn

Just Watch Me

Remembering Pierre Trudeau

by (author) Larry Zolf


Une histoire graphique de la grève générale de Winnipeg

by (author) Graphic History Collective
illustrated by David Lester

Arrows in a Quiver

From Contact to the Courts in Indigenous-Canadian Relations

by (author) James Frideres

Robert Bond

A Political Biography

by (author) James K. Hiller

Let the People Speak

Opression in a Time of Reconciliation

by (author) Sheilla Jones

Professional Autonomy and the Public Interest

The Barristers' Society and Nova Scotia's Lawyers, 1825–2005

by (author) Barry Cahill

Professional Autonomy and the Public Interest

The Barristers' Society and Nova Scotia's Lawyers, 1825-2005

by (author) Barry Cahill

Quebec in the Mid-Sixties

Photographs by Jean-Louis Anctil

by (author) Pierre Anctil
translated by Louis Anctil

À Québec au cœur des années 1960

Photographies de Jean-Louis Anctil

by (author) Pierre Anctil

A Short History of Manitoba

by (author) Ed Whitcomb

The Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions

From Ultramontane Origins to a New Cosmology

by (author) Rosa Bruno-Jofré

A Mohawk Memoir from the War of 1812

John Norton - Teyoninhokarawen

edited by Carl Benn

Wounded Feelings

Litigating Emotions in Quebec, 1870-1950

by (author) Eric H. Reiter

The Invisibles

A History of the Royal Newfoundland Companies

by (author) James E. Candow

Voices from the Skeena

An Illustrated Oral History

illustrated by Roy Henry Vickers
by (author) Robert Budd

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