Browse Books in Canada

Alex Lord's British Columbia
Recollections of a Rural School Inspector, 1915-1936

The Railway King of Canada
Sir William Mackenzie, 1849-1923

Wings Over the Sea
The Story of Allan Moses

Hudson Bay Watershed
A Photographic Memoir of the Ojibway, Cree, and Oji-Cree

Media, Elections, And Democracy: Royal Commission on Electoral Reform

A Bibliography of Northern Manitoba

To Serve Canada
A History of the Royal Military College of Canada

Man in the Ivory Tower
F. Cyril James of McGill

Québec 1765-1832
L'évolution d'une ville coloniale

Quotations For A Nation
The Little Book of Canada

Justice in Our Time
The Japanese Canadian Redress Settlement

Policing a Pioneer Province
The BC Provincial Police 1858-1950


Raincoast Chronicles 13

Our Own Master Race
Eugenics in Canada, 1885-1945

Administering Danger in the Workplace
The Law and Politics of Occupational Health and Safety Regulation in Ontario 1850-1914
The Beauharnois Scandal
A Story of Canadian Entrepreneurship and Politics

Patrons, Clients, Brokers
Ontario Society and Politics, 1791-1896

Irish Emigration and Canadian Settlement
Patterns, Links, and Letters

Early Stages
Theatre in Ontario 1800 - 1914

Canada 1900-1945

The Canadian Fur Trade in the Industrial Age

Making Culture
English-Canadian Institutions and the Arts before the Massey Commission

Our Own Master Race
Eugenics in Canada, 1885-1945