Browse Books in Canada

Petticoats and Prejudice
Women and Law in Nineteenth-Century Canada

Conflicts of Interest
Canada and the Third World

Mapping Upper Canada, 1780-1867
An Annotated Bibliography of Manuscript and Printed Maps

Options for a New Canada

Canada Before Confederation
A Study on Historical Geography
Malaspina And Galiano

Sweet Promises
A Reader on Indian-White Relations in Canada
Women Who Taught
Perspectives on the History of Women and Teaching

Greenland Mummies

The Ojibwa of Southern Ontario

A Country So Interesting
The Hudson's Bay Company and Two Centuries of Mapping, 1670-1870

Snake Hill
An Investigation of a Military Cemetery from the War of 1812

In His Name
The Anglican Experience in Upper Canada, 1791-1854

Aboriginal Resource Use in Canada
Historical and Legal Aspects

Royal Observations
Canadians and Royalty

Coastal Villages


A Pioneer Gentlewoman in British Columbia
The Recollections of Susan Allison

Studies in Maritime Literary History 1760-1930

Pioneering Aviation in the West
As told by the pioneers

The Diary of André Laurendeau
Written during the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism 1964-67
Surveying the Canadian Pacific
Memoir of a Railroad Pioneer

The Unmaking of Canada
The Hidden Theme in Canadian History since 1945