Browse Books in Canada

Promoters, Patriots, and Partisans
Historiography in Nineteenth-Century English Canada

English River Book
A North West Company Journal and Account Book of 1786

The English River Book
A North West Company Journal and Account Book of 1786
Empire Of The Bay

Arctic Memories

Blue Nose Master
The Memoirs of Captain Ernest K. Hartling

Elizabeth Posthuma Simcoe 1762-1850
A Biography
Beyond the Vote
Canadian Women and Politics

Winnipeg School of Art

Lost Mines & Historic Treasures
In British Columbia

Growing Up in the Oil Patch

Discover Your Heritage
A Guide to Provincial Plaques in Ontario

Découvrons Notre Patrimoine
Guide des plaques historiques de l'Ontario

Historical Essays on Upper Canada
New Perspectives

Northern Shadows
Canadians in Central America

How Britain's Economic, Political, and Military Weakness Forced Canada into the Arms of the United States
The 1988 Joanne Goodman Lectures

Nationalism, Capitalism, and Colonization in Nineteenth-Century Quebec
The Upper St Francis District

Canada's Heritage in Scotland

Seafaring Labour
The Merchant Marine of Atlantic Canada, 1820-1914
Liberation Deferred?
The Ideas of the English-Canadian Suffragists

White Bears and Other Curiosities
The First 100 Years of the Royal British Columbia Museum

Curling Capital
Winnipeg and the Roarin' Game, 1876 to 1988
The Ghostland People

No Hay Fever and a Railway
Summers in St. Andrews