Browse Books in Canada
School Days
The One-Room Schools of Maritime Canada

Randonnée A Pied
A Historical Walking Tour of Sainte-Anne-De-Bellevue

The Fraser Valley
A History
Northwest Coast, The
British Navigation, Trade and Discoveries to 1812

The Forgotten North
A History of Canada's Provincial Norths

Coal in our Blood
200 Years of Coal Mining in Nova Scotia's Pictou County

Once Upon a Schooner
A Foreign Voyage In Bluenose II
Harold Griffith
The Evolution of Modern Anaesthesia

Contact and Conflict
Indian-European Relations in British Columbia, 1774-1890 (2nd edition)

The Prairie West: Historical Readings

Simcoe's Choice
Celebrating London's Bicentennial 1793-1993

The Anniversary Compulsion
Canada's Centennial Celebrations: A Model Mega-Anniversary

Au service du Canada
Histoire du Royal Military College depuis la Deuxième Guerre mondiale

Spirit of the Yukon

Les Belles Soeurs

From Protest to Power
Social Democracy in Canada 1900-Present

The Costs of Constitutional Change
A Citizen's Guide to the Issues

A Visual History
Mason Wade, Acadia and Quebec

Options for a New Canada

Fool For Christ
The Intellectual Politics of J.S. Woodsworth

Atlantic Canadian Imprints
A Bibliography, 1801-1820

Atlantic Canadian Imprints
A Bibliography, 1801-1820