Browse Books in Canada
Pioneer Churches along the Gold Rush Trail
An Explorer’s Guide
Deindustrializing Montreal
Entangled Histories of Race, Residence, and Class
Deadly Neighbours
A Tale of Colonialism, Cattle Feuds, Murder and Vigilantes in the Far West
An Irish Heart
How A Small Immigrant Community Shaped Canada
Canadian Spy Story
Irish Revolutionaries and the Secret Police
Wilson Duff
Coming Back, a Life
Woman, Watching
Louise de Kiriline Lawrence and the Songbirds of Pimisi Bay
Woman, Watching
Louise de Kiriline Lawrence and the Songbirds of Pimisi Bay
The Prime Ministers of Canada
Les Premiers Ministres du Canada
A Legacy of Exploitation
Early Capitalism in the Red River Colony, 1763–1821
Harriet's Legacies
Race, Historical Memory, and Futures in Canada
Jackson's Wars
A.Y. Jackson, the Birth of the Group of Seven, and the Great War
Villain, Vermin, Icon, Kin
Wolves and the Making of Canada
Harriet’s Legacies
Race, Historical Memory, and Futures in Canada
Myths of Modern History
From the French Revolution to the 20th century world wars and the Cold War - new perspectives on key events
Pour sortir les allumettières de l’ombre
Les ouvrières de la manufacture d’allumettes E. B. Eddy de Hull (1854-1928)
Something within Me
A Personal and Political Memoir
Alberta's Cornerstone
Archaeological Adventures in Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park
Tales from the Homestead
A History of Prairie Pioneers, 1867–1914
Strangest Dream, The
Canadian Communists, the Spy Trials, and the Cold War
Liquor and the Liberal State
Drink and Order before Prohibition
When Trains Ruled the Kootenays
A Short History of Railways in Southeastern British Columbia
From Left to Right
Saskatchewan's Political and Economic Transformation