Browse Books in Canada

Where To from Here
A Path to Canadian Prosperity

River of Mists
People of the Upper Skeena, 1833-1930

Barkerville Days

Eating the Ocean
Seafood and Consumer Culture in Canada

People of the Saltwater
An Ethnography of Git lax m'oon

Warrior Nation
Rebranding Canada in an Age of Anxiety

Lunch-Bucket Lives
Remaking the Workers’ City

Incredible Crossings
The History and Art of the Bridges, Tunnels and Inland Ferries That Connect British Columbia

Clearing the Plains
Disease, Politics of Starvation, and the Loss of Indigenous Life

Gold, Grit, Guns
Miners on BC's Fraser River in 1858

Enthusiasms and Loyalties
The Public History of Private Feelings in the Enlightenment Atlantic

The Boundaries of Ethnicity
German Immigration and the Language of Belonging in Ontario

A History of Law in Canada, Volume Two
Law for a New Dominion, 1867-1914

Guilty of Everything
21st Anniversary Edition

Hanged in Medicine Hat
Murders in a Nazi Prisoner-of-War Camp, and the Disturbing True Story of Canada’s Last Mass Execution

1950s Canada
Politics and Public Affairs

A Very Canadian Coup
The Rise and Demise of Prime Minister Mackenzie Bowell, 1894–1896

Distant Stage
Quebec, Brazil, and the Making of Canada’s Cultural Diplomacy

Distant Stage
Quebec, Brazil, and the Making of Canada's Cultural Diplomacy

Dead in Halifax: Stories of Adventure, Scandal, Heartbreak and Heroism

Canadian State Trials, Volume V
World War, Cold War, and Challenges to Sovereignty, 1939-1990

Before Official Multiculturalism
Women's Pluralism in Toronto, 1950s-1970s

Sex and the Married Girl
Heterosexual Marriage and the Body in Postwar Canada

A Train in the Night
The Tragedy of Lac-Mégantic