Browse Books in Canada

The Northern Horizons of Guy Blanchet
Intrepid Surveyor, 1884-1966

Penguin History of Canada

Canada's Prime Ministers
Macdonald to Trudeau - Portraits from the Dictionary of Canadian Biography

Historic Fredericton North

A Journey to the Northern Ocean
The Adventures of Samuel Hearne

Hell and High Water

An Island Utopia
Who Killed Canadian History Revised Edition

Emigrant Worlds and Transatlantic Communities
Migration to Upper Canada in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century

La Jeunesse au Canada français
Formation, mouvements et identité

People's Road Revisited, The

The North End
Photographs by John Paskievich

Canadian Churches
An Architectural History

Old Canadian Cemeteries
Places of Memory

Nova Scotia Shaped by the Sea

Cold Comfort, Second Edition
My Love Affair with the Arctic

Private Demons
The Tragic Personal Life of John A. Macdonald

For Honour's Sake
The War of 1812 and the Brokering of an Uneasy Peace

Leaving Newfoundland
A History of Out-Migration

Nova Scotia Black Experience Through the Centuries

Frontier Farewell
The 1870s and the End of the Old West

The War Room
Political Strategies for Business, NGOs, and Anyone Who Wants to Win

Slumach's Gold
In Search of a Legend

Wrongfully Convicted
The Innocent in Canada