Browse Books in Canada

Imagining Difference
Legend, Curse, and Spectacle in a Canadian Mining Town

From UI to EI
Waging War on the Welfare State

Parties Long Estranged
Canada and Australia in the Twentieth Century

Avoiding Armageddon
Canadian Military Strategy and Nuclear Weapons, 1950-1963

Vancouver Past
Essays in Social History

A White Man's Province
British Columbia Politicians and Chinese and Japanese Immigrants 1858-1914

The Legacy of John Waldie and Sons
A History of the Victoria Harbour Lumber Company

The Alberta Supreme Court at 100
History and Authority

Dundurn Castle
Sir Allan MacNab and his Hamilton Home

Unmarried Motherhood and the Ontario Children of Unmarried Parents Act, 1921-1969

In the Heart of the Canadian Rockies

Historic Eastern Passage

Final Voyages Volume III

The Alphabet Fleet
The Pride of the Newfoundland Coastal Service

Where the Water Meets the Land

Who Killed the Avro Arrow?

Rabbis and their Community
Studies in the Eastern European Orthodox Rabbinate in Montreal, 1896-1930


Growing Up In Notre Dame De Grace

It Happened in New Brunswick

Citizen of the World
The Life of Pierre Elliott Trudeau Volume One: 1919-1968

The West Beyond the West
A History of British Columbia

Captains, Mansions and Millionaires