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Browse Books in Canada

Three Against the Wilderness

by (author) Eric Collier

Historical Distillates

Chemistry at the University of Toronto since 1843

by (author) Adrian G. Brook & W.A.E. (Peter) McBryde

The Manly Modern

Masculinity in Postwar Canada

by (author) Christopher Dummitt

Fous, prodigues et ivrognes

Familles et déviance à Montréal au XIXe siècle

by (author) Thierry Nootens

The Island of Seven Cities

Where the Chinese Settled When They Discovered North America

by (author) Paul Chiasson

Sorry, I Don't Speak French

Confronting the Canadian Crisis That Won't Go Away

by (author) Graham Fraser

Why I Hate Canadians

by (author) Will Ferguson

Prairie Agrarian Movement Revisited

Centenary Symposium on the Foundation of the Teritorial Grain Growers Association, The


Innovation, Science, Environment 07/08

Canadian Policies and Performance, 2007-2008

by (author) G. Bruce Doern

Story of Dunbar, The

Voices of a Vancouver Neighbourhood

edited by P. Schofield

Loyal Service

Perspectives on French-Canadian Military Leaders

edited by Bernd Horn & Roch Legault
foreword by J.H.P.M. Caron

Canada in Afghanistan

The War So Far

by (author) Peter Pigott

Le leadership militaire canadien francais

Continuité, Efficacité, et Loyauté

edited by Roch Legault & Bernd Horn
foreword by J.H.P.M. Caron

Lumières sur les forces de l'ombre

Une perspective canadienne sur les Forces d'opérations spéciales

edited by Bernd Horn & Tony Balasevicius
foreword by David Barr

Casting Light on the Shadows

Canadian Perspectives on Special Operations Forces

edited by Bernd Horn & Tony Balasevicius

Projecting Canada

Government Policy and Documentary Film at the National Film Board

by (author) Zoë Druick

Belonging? Diversity, Recognition and Shared Citizenship in Canada

Belonging? Diversity, Recognition and Shared Citizenship in Canada

by (author) Keith Banting, Thomas J. Courchene & F. Leslie Seidle

Time to Say Goodbye

Building a Better Canada Without Quebec

by (author) Reed Scowen

Nechako Country

In the Footsteps of Bert Irvine

by (author) June Wood

Cabot Island

The Alex Gill Story

by (author) Gary Collins

Urban Enigmas

Montreal, Toronto, and the Problem of Comparing Cities

by (author) Johanne Sloan

The Apathetic and the Defiant

Case Studies of Canadian Mutiny and Disobedience, 1812-1919

edited by Craig L. Mantle

Les Apathiques et les rebelles

Des exemples canadiens de mutinerie et de désobeissance, 1812 à 1919

edited by Craig L. Mantle

Mothers of Heroes, Mothers of Martyrs

World War I and the Politics of Grief

by (author) Suzanne Evans

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