Browse Books in Canada

One of the Boys
Homosexuality in the Military during World War II, Second Edition

Cheadle's Journal Of Trip Across Canada

Peter O'Reilly
The Rise Of A Reluctant Immigrant

Rebel Women of the West Coast
Their Triumphs, Tragedies and Lasting Legacies

La feuille d'erable et la Croix-Blanche

The Canadian War on Queers
National Security as Sexual Regulation

Into Deep Waters
Evangelical Spirituality and Maritime Calvinistic Baptist Ministers, 1790-1855

Shouting, Embracing, and Dancing
The Growth of Methodism in Newfoundland, 1774-1874

Shouting, Embracing, and Dancing with Ecstasy
The Growth of Methodism in Newfoundland, 1774-1874

La création de l'École de médecine du Nord de l'Ontario
Une étude de cas dans l'histoire de la formation médicale

The French In North America

History Hunting in the Yukon

Making and Breaking the Rules
Women in Quebec, 1919-1939

Managing the Canadian Mosaic in Wartime
Shaping Citizenship Policy, 1939-1945

Done with Slavery
The Black Fact in Montreal, 1760-1840

Kootenai Brown
The Unknown Frontiersman

River Rough, River Smooth
Adventures on Manitoba's Historic Hayes River

Go to School, You're a Little Black Boy
The Honourable Lincoln M. Alexander: A Memoir

The Writing on the Wall
Chinese and Japanese Immigration to BC, 1920

Suburb, Slum, Urban Village
Transformations in Toronto’s Parkdale Neighbourhood, 1875-2002

Breadwinning Daughters
Young Working Women in a Depression-Era City, 1929-1939

The Plate
150 Years of Royal Tradition from Don Juan to the 2009 Winner

Bulls, Brands & B.S.
Historical & Humorous Stories from Alberta's Brand Inspectors

Gang Ranch
The Real Story