Browse Books in Canada

True Patriot Love
Four Generations In Search Of Canada

How the Blacks Created Canada

Militia Myths
Ideas of the Canadian Citizen Soldier, 1896-1921

Caregiving on the Periphery
Historical Perspectives on Nursing and Midwifery in Canada

Halifax Warden of the North (Updated Edition)

Spirited Commitment
The Samuel and Saidye Bronfman Family Foundation

The Diplomacy of Impartiality
Canada and Israel, 1958-1968

The Canadian Forces and Arctic Sovereignty
Debating Roles, Interests, and Requirements, 1968-1974

The Quadra Story
A History of Quadra Island

The Practice of Execution in Canada

Coal Black Heart
The Story of Coal and Lives it Ruled

No Return
A novel of the Canadian election that vanished in Muskoka's backwoods

Buckaroos and Mud Pups
The Early Days of Ranching in British Columbia

The Golden Dream
A History of the St. Lawrence Seaway

Buried in the Woods

Plants of Haida Gwaii

A Country Nourished on Self-Doubt
Documents in Post-Confederation Canadian History, Third Edition

The Empire Within
Postcolonial Thought and Political Activism in Sixties Montreal

Veterans with a Vision
Canada’s War Blinded in Peace and War

Alligators of the North
The Story of the West & Peachey Steam Warping Tugs

The British Columbia Court of Appeal
The First Hundred Years

On the Art of Being Canadian

When the Other is Me
Native Resistance Discourse, 1850-1990

One of the Boys, Second Edition
Homosexuality in the Military during World War II