Browse Books in Canada

Titanic Victims in Halifax Graveyards
2nd edition

Curse Of The Narrows
The Halifax Explosion 1917

The 1956 Hungarian Revolution
Hungarian and Canadian Perspectives

Deadlock in Korea
Canadians at War, 1950-1953

1917 Halifax Explosion and American Response
2nd edition

My Canada
An Alternative Take on the Great White North

In the Province of History
The Making of the Public Past in Twentieth-Century Nova Scotia

The Practice of Execution in Canada

Transforming Labour
Women and Work in Postwar Canada

Trillium and Toronto Island
The Centennial Edition

Island Maid
Voices of Outport Women

Bronc Busters and Hay Sloops
Ranching in the West in the Early 20th Century

Saint John and the Fundy Shore

British Columbia Place Names

Canada's Rocky Mountains
A History in Photographs

The Graveyard of the Pacific
Shipwreck Tales from the Depths of History

David Thompson
A Life of Adventure and Discovery

Families, Lovers, and their Letters
Italian Postwar Migration to Canada

Sounds of Ethnicity
Listening to German North America, 1850 - 1914

The Strange Demise of British Canada
The Liberals and Canadian Nationalism, 1964-68
Chanting Denied Shores
The Komagata Maru Narrative

Toronto's Visual Legacy
Official City Photography from 1856 to the Present

Railroader's Wife
Letters from the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway

Corvette Navy
True Stories From Canada's Atlantic War