Browse Books in Canada

At the Sharp End Volume One
Canadians Fighting the Great War 1914-1916

Old Ontario Houses
Traditions in Local Architecture

The Range Men
Pioneer Ranchers of Alberta

The Bank of Canada of James Elliot Coyne
Challenges, Confrontation, and Change

Know New Brunswick

The Chilcotin War
A Tale of Death and Reprisal

Drug War Films in Britain, Canada, and the U.S.

Relentless Change
A Casebook for the Study of Canadian Business History
Fearful Symmetry
The Fall and Rise of Canada's Founding Values

Entre lieux et mémoire
L’inscription de la francophonie canadienne dans la durée

Lessons on the Noun Phrase in English
From Representation to Reference
Lachine Canal, The
Riding the Waves of Urban Development 1860-1950
Plains of Abraham, The
The Search for the Ideal
History of Abercorn 1929-2004

A Few Acres of Snow
Documents in Pre-Confederation Canadian History, Third Edition

Unlikely Soldiers

Prairie Metropolis
New Essays on Winnipeg Social History

The Ranch on the Cariboo

Canuck Rock
A History of Canadian Popular Music

Mountain Timber
The Comox Logging Company in the Vancouver Island Mountains

Death Ship of Halifax Harbour

Courting Disaster
True Crime and Mischief on Land and Sea

The Blackwood Schooner
The Story of the Ella M. Rudolph

Amazing Airmen
Canadian Flyers in the Second World War