Browse Books in Canada

The August Gales
The Tragic Loss of Fishing Schooners in the North Atlantic 1926 and 1927

Lost in North America
The Imaginary Canadian in the American Dream

Canada between Vichy and Free France, 1940-1945

Rails Across Ontario
Exploring Ontario's Railway Heritage

Newfoundland's Era of Corruption
Responsible Government 1855-1933

Harbour Hopper's Best Halifax Stories
Hangings, Explosions, Tunnels, Romance, Politics, Riots and More!

My Name is Lola

The Best of BC BookWorld

The Elegant Canadians (eBook)

The Incredible Canadian (eBook)
A Candid Portrait of Mackenzie King

A History of Canadian Culture (eBook)

Maple Leaf Empire (eBook)
Canada, Britain, and Two World Wars

The Struggle for the Border (Reissue) (eBook)

Before Ontario
The Archaeology of a Province

The Elegant Canadians (Kobo)

36 Steps on the Road to Medicare
How Saskatchewan Led the Way

Just Getting Started
Edmonton Public Library's First 100 Years, 1913-2013

The Junction
Stories of Land and Place in the BC Interior

Fire Spook
The Mysterious Nova Scotia Haunting

Body Failure
Medical Views of Women, 1900-1950

Born to be Hung

Canada's Other Game
Basketball from Naismith to Nash

Spooky Sudbury
True Tales of the Eerie & Unexplained

Making National News
A History of Canadian Press