Browse Books in Canada
Arts and Science at Toronto
A History, 1827-1990
The Rideau Canal
A Historical Guide
The Last Plague
Spanish Influenza and the Politics of Public Health in Canada
Raymond Collishaw and the Black Flight
The Guardianship of Best Interests
Institutional Care for the Children of the Poor in Halifax, 1850-1960
W L Mackenzie King Volume I, 1874-1923
A Political Biography: Kingsmere Edition
New Perspectives on Canada in the Second World War
Travels and Tales of Miriam Green Ellis
Pioneer Journalist of the Canadian West
Marjorie Too Afraid to Cry
A Home Child Experience
Canada's Constitutional Revolution
Mysterious Alberta
Myths, Murders, Mysteriese and Legends
Stikeman Elliott
New Millennium, New Paradigms Volume 2
Reel Time
Movie Exhibitors and Movie Audiences in Prairie Canada, 1896 to 1986
Making Medicare
New Perspectives on the History of Medicare in Canada
Nationalisme et protection sociale
Greetings from Canada
Postcards from Dutch Immigrants to the Old Country, 1884-1915
Ethnic Elites and Canadian Identity
Japanese, Ukrainians, and Scots, 1919-1971
Smoke Signals
The Native Takeback of North America's Tobacco Industry
Acadian Traditions on Candlemas Day
Candles, Pancakes and House Visits
Gardens Aflame
Garry Oak Meadows of BC's South Coast
Manuel populaire de citoyenneté
une réponse au conservatisme canadien
Sensational Victoria
Bright Lights, Red Lights, Murders, Ghosts & Gardens
Edible Histories, Cultural Politics
Towards a Canadian Food History
The Inconvenient Indian
A Curious Account of Native People in North America