Browse Books in Canada

Development Derailed
Calgary and the CPR , 1962–64

Border Crossings
US Culture and Education in Saskatchewan, 1905-1937

The Strange and Dangerous Voyage of Captaine Thomas James

A National Force
The Evolution of Canada’s Army, 1950-2000

Emergence and Empire
Innis, Complexity, and the Trajectory of History

The White Fleet

Raincoast Chronicles 22
Saving Salmon, Sailors and Souls: Stories of Service on the BC Coast

Salmonbellies vs. the World
The Story of Lacrosse's Most Famous Team & Their Greatest Opponents

'A Justifiable Obsession'
Conservative Ontario's Relations with Ottawa, 1943-1985
Patrician Liberal
The Public and Private Life of Sir Henri-Gustave Joly de Lotbinière, 1829-1908

Essays in the History of Canadian Law, Volume XI
Quebec and the Canadas

Sixty Second Story
When Lives are on the Line

O.D. Skelton
The Work of the World, 1923-1941

Borden, Mackenzie King, and Canada's World Wars

Haunting Vancouver
A Nearly True History

A Small Price to Pay
Consumer Culture on the Canadian Home Front, 1939-45

How Newfoundlanders Got the Baby Bonus

Enemy Offshore!
Japan's Secret War on North America's West Coast

Pursuit of Profit and Preferment in Colonial North America
John Bradstreet’s Quest

The Laird of Fort William
William McGillivray and the North West Company

Vancouver Was Awesome
A Curious Pictorial History

The Last Patrol
Following the Trail of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police's Legendary Lost Patrol

Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs 2006

Hockey Night in Canada
60 Seasons