Browse Books in Canada

Devil's Breath, The
The Story of the Hillcrest Mine Disaster of 1914

Aboriginal Rights Are Not Human Rights
In Defence of Indigenous Struggles

Cariboo Gold Rush
The Stampede that Made BC

Rebel Women

The Devil's Breath
The Story of the Hillcrest Mine Disaster of 1914

Louisbourg: Past, Present, Future

Sacred Feathers
The Reverend Peter Jones (Kahkewaquonaby) and the Mississauga Indians, Second Edition

The Sense of Power
Studies in the Ideas of Canadian Imperialism, 1867-1914, Second Edition

Great White Fleet
Celebrating Canada Steamship Lines Passenger Ships

A Photographic History of the Canadian Rockies

Wooden Ships & Iron Men
The story of the schooner Fronie Myrtle

Provincial Solidarities
A History of the New Brunswick Federation of Labour

Solidarités provinciales
Histoire de la Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Nouveau-Brunswick

The Wages of Relief
Cities and the Unemployed in Prairie Canada, 1929–39

The Social History of Ideas in Quebec, 1760-1896

Photography, Memory, and Refugee Identity
The Voyage of the SS Walnut, 1948

Manufacturing Mennonites
Work and Religion in Post-War Manitoba

Rum-runners and Renegades
Whisky Wars of the Pacific Northwest, 1917-2012

Tales from the Back Bumper
A Century of BC Licence Plates

History of Montréal
The Story of Great North American City

Islands of New Brunswick

Acadia University

Arguments with the Lake

Singular Vision
The Founding of the Catholic Church Extension Society of Canada 1908 to 1915