Browse Books in Canada

Fire Canoe
Prairie Steamboat Days Revisited

Historic Unionville
A Village in the City

A Thirty Years' War
The Failed Public/Private Partnership that Spurred the Creation of the Toronto Transit Commission, 1891-1921

A Thirty Years' War
The Failed Public/Private Partnership that Spurred the Creation of the Toronto Transit Commission, 1891-1921

Call Me Giambattista
A Personal and Political Journey

Short History of Fredericton

Celtic Lightning
How the Scots and the Irish Created a Canadian Nation

American Loyalists to New Brunswick
The ship passenger lists

Halifax: A Visual Legacy
200+ iconic photographs of the city from 1853 to the present

Mr. Big
The Investigation into the Deaths of Karen and Krista Hart

Donald Creighton
A Life in History

A Short History of Fredericton

Rogues and Rebels
Unforgettable Characters from Canada's West

You Might Be From Newfoundland And Labrador If...

A Beautiful Sight
Stories from the Port of St. John's

Holocaust Survivors in Canada
Exclusion, Inclusion, Transformation, 1947-1955

We’re Going to Run This City
Winnipeg's Political Left after the General Strike

The Charlottetown Conference
And the Birth of Confederation

The Edwardses of Halifax
The Making and Selling of Beautiful Books in London and Halifax, 1749-1826

British Columbia and Yukon Gold Hunters
A History in Photographs

Civic Symbol
Creating Toronto's New City Hall, 1952-1966

Big Tent Politics
The Liberal Party’s Long Mastery of Canada’s Public Life

Latch String Out

A History of the Park and Town