Browse Books in Canada

Structures sociales du Canada français
Etudes de membres de la section I de la société royale du Canada
Crestwood Heights
A North American Suburb
The Government of Prince Edward Island
Protestant Church Colleges in Canada
A History
Muskoka and Haliburton 1615-1875
A Collection of Documents
Taxes, Tariffs, & Subsidies
A history of Canadian fiscal development (Vol. 2)

Raincoast Chronicles 24
Cougar Companions: Bute Inlet Country and the Legendary Schnarrs
The Mackenzie King Record Volume 1, 1939/1944

Policy Transformation in Canada
Is the Past Prologue?

The French Shore Problem in Newfoundland
An Imperial Study
The Arthur Papers
Volume 2 (Jan 1839-Mar 1840)

James Macleod
The Red Coats' First True Leader

Cornelius O'Keefe
The Life, Loves, and Legacy of an Okanagan Rancher

Chocolates, Tattoos, and Mayflowers
Maritime Memorabilia from Clary Croft

Magnificent Fight
The 1919 Winnipeg General Strike

Canada's Odyssey
A Country Based on Incomplete Conquests

You Can't Get There From Here
The Past as Present in Small-Town Ontario Fiction

Words Have a Past
The English Language, Colonialism, and the Newspapers of Indian Boarding Schools
Mountain Ranch at the End of the Road (ebook)
horses, cows, guns and grizzlies in the Canadian wilderness

Mountain Ranch at the End of the Road
horses, cows, guns and grizzlies in the Canadian wilderness

Fear, Love, and Liberation in Contemporary Québec
A Feminist Reflection

The Empire on the Western Front
The British 62nd and Canadian 4th Divisions in Battle

Fighting with the Empire
Canada, Britain, and Global Conflict, 1867–1947