Browse Books in Canada
Canada's Odyssey
A Country Based on Incomplete Conquests
You Can't Get There From Here
The Past as Present in Small-Town Ontario Fiction
Words Have a Past
The English Language, Colonialism, and the Newspapers of Indian Boarding Schools
Mountain Ranch at the End of the Road (ebook)
horses, cows, guns and grizzlies in the Canadian wilderness
Mountain Ranch at the End of the Road
horses, cows, guns and grizzlies in the Canadian wilderness
Fear, Love, and Liberation in Contemporary Québec
A Feminist Reflection
The Empire on the Western Front
The British 62nd and Canadian 4th Divisions in Battle
Fighting with the Empire
Canada, Britain, and Global Conflict, 1867–1947
L' Église et la politique québécoise, de Taschereau à Duplessis
L'Église et la politique québécoise, de Taschereau à Duplessis
The Legend of Gladee's Canteen
The Legend of Gladee's Canteen
Down Home on a Nova Scotia Beach
Where Once They Stood
Newfoundland's Rocky Road towards Confederation
The Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of Canada
Les Juges en chef de la Cour suprême du Canada
Communal Solidarity
Immigration, Settlement, and Social Welfare in Winnipeg’s Jewish Community, 1882–1930
Four Unruly Women
Stories of Incarceration and Resistance from Canada’s Most Notorious Prison
The Co-op Revolution
Vancouver's Search for Food Alternatives
Two Firsts
Bertha Wilson and Claire L’Heureux-Dubé at the Supreme Court of Canada
One Hundred Years of Struggle
The History of Women and the Vote in Canada
Iroquois in the West
Reflecting on Our Past and Embracing Our Future
A Senate Initiative for Canada