Browse Books in Canada

Oakville and the Sixteen
The History of an Ontario Port

Canada and Imperialism 1896-1899

Canada's Past and Present
A Dialogue

Sect, Cult, and Church in Alberta

Early Ukrainian Settlements in Canada 1895-1900
Dr. Josef Oleskow's Role in the Settlement of the Canadian Northwest

Fur Trade Canoe Routes of Canada / Then and Now

Count Frontenac

Love and Work Enough
The Life of Anna Jameson

A History of Victoria University

Raymond Tanghe
Bibliography of Canadian Bibliographies/Bibliographie des Bibliographies Canadiennes: Supplement 1962 & 1963

Our Living Tradition
Second and Third Series

Between the Red and the Rockies

Principal Infectious Diseases of Childhood, 2nd Edition

Assembling Unity
Indigenous Politics, Gender, and the Union of BC Indian Chiefs

Resisting Rights
Canada and the International Bill of Rights, 1947–76

Genre, patrimoine et droit civil
Les femmes mariées de la bourgeoisie québécoise en procès, 1900-1930

Fruits of Perseverance
The French Presence in the Detroit River Region, 1701-1815

They Call Me George
The Untold Story of Black Train Porters and the Birth of Modern Canada

Rocking P Ranch and the Second Cattle Frontier in Western Canada

Environmental Activism on the Ground
Small Green and Indigenous Organizing

In Their Own Words
Three Maritimers Experience the Great War

Beyond the Noise of Solemn Assemblies
The Protestant Ethic and the Quest for Social Justice in Canada

Sailor Bill and Mary
Tales of the Sea

Sailor Bill & Mary
Tales of the Sea