Browse Books in Canada

School Broadcasting in Canada
Edward Blake, Irish Nationalist
A Canadian Statesman in Irish Politics 1892-1907

The Last Cannon Shot
A Study of French-Canadian Nationalism 1837-1850

Federal Royal Commissions in Canada 1867-1966
A Checklist

The Art of the Possible
Government and Foreign Policy in Canada

Movements of Political Protest in Canada 1640-1840

The Franchise and Politics in British North America 1755-1867

Pioneer Public Service
An Administrative History of the United Canadas, 1841-1867

Science in Canada
Selections from the Speeches of E.W.R. Steacie

Testament of My Childhood

The Government of Manitoba

Founder of Quebec, Father of New France

The Conscription Crisis of 1944

Harold Adams Innis
Portrait of a Scholar

Procedure in the Canadian House of Commons

The Modern Senate of Canada 1925-1963

The University as Publisher

Life in Ontario
A Social History

The Political History of Newfoundland, 1832-1864

The Canadian Grain Trade 1931-1951

In Defence of Canada Volume I
From the Great War to the Great Depression

Pioneer Settlements in Upper Canada

The Conflict of European and Eastern Algonkian Cultures, 1504-1700
A Study in Canadian Civilization, Second Edition