Browse Books in History

Pirates of the North Atlantic

Danger, Death, and Disaster in the Crowsnest Pass Mines 1902-1928

From Rogue to Everyman
A Foundling's Journey to the Bastille

Dominion and the Rising Sun
Canada Encounters Japan, 1929-1941

The Birth of French America

Escott Reid
Diplomat and Scholar

Sterling Public Servant
A Global Tribute to Sylvia Ostry

The Sterling Public Servant
A Global Tribute to Sylvia Ostry

Explorations of the Contemporary City
Patients First
The Story of Family Medicine in Canada

Future: Tense
The Coming World Order?

'A Great Effusion of Blood'?
Interpreting Medieval Violence

The 'Annals' of Flodoard of Reims, 919-966

Battle for Life
The History of No. 10 Canadian Stationary Hospital and No. 10 Canadian General Hospital in Two World Wars

Making of an Explorer
George Hubert Wilkins and the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-1916

The Making of an Explorer
George Hubert Wilkins and the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-1916

100 Canadian Heroines
Famous and Forgotten Faces

On the Front Line of Life
Stephen Leacock: Memories and Reflections, 1935-1944

The Canadian Atlas
Our Nation, Environment and People

Historic Town of Pictou

Historic North End Halifax

Historic LaHave River Valley

The Labyrinth of Dangerous Hours
A Memoir of the Second World War

The Horn of Africa as Common Homeland
The State and Self-Determination in the Era of Heightened Globalization