Browse Books in History

It Made You Think of Home
The Haunting Journal of Deward Barnes, CEF: 1916-1919

Historic Antigonish Town & County

Fields of Fire
The Canadians in Normandy

First Peoples in Canada

Criminals, Idiots, Women, & Minors - Second Edition
Victorian Writing By Women On Women


Modelling the Jagdpanzer 38(t) 'Hetzer'

Bush Pilots
Canada's Wilderness Daredevils

Bush Pilots
Daredevils of the Wilderness

The Augustan Succession
An Historical Commentary on Cassius Dio's Roman History Books 55-56 (9 B.C.-A.D. 14)

Naming Edmonton
From Ada to Zoie

The Old Red Shirt
Lost Poets of British Columbia's Past

History for the Future
Rewriting Memory and Identity in Quebec

A History for the Future
Rewriting Memory and Identity in Quebec

Toronto Between the Wars
Life in the City 1919-1939

Wolfe and Montcalm
Their Lives, Their Times, and the Fate of a Continent

Aboriginal Conditions
Research As a Foundation for Public Policy

“Real” Indians and Others
Mixed-Blood Urban Native Peoples and Indigenous Nationhood

The People Who Own Themselves
Aboriginal Ethnogenesis in a Canadian Family, 1660-1900

Women, Property, and the Letters of the Law in Early Modern England

Ashore and Afloat
The British Navy and the Halifax Naval Yard Before 1820

Storied Shores
St. Peter's, Isle Madame, Chapel Island in the 17th and 18th Century

Modelling the IS Heavy Tank

Hell's Corner
An Illustrated History of Canada's Great War, 1914 - 1918