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Browse Books in History

Great Canadian Romances

by (author) Barbara Smith

The Battle of Seven Oaks

And the Violent Birth of The Red River Settlement

by (author) Irene Gordon

Growing Up and Going to War: 1925-1945

by (author) Donald D. Tansley

Negotiated Memory

Doukhobor Autobiographical Discourse

by (author) Julie Rak

The Red Man's on the Warpath

The Image of the "Indian" and the Second World War

by (author) R. Scott Sheffield

One River, Two Cultures

A History of the Bella Coola Valley

by (author) Paula Wild

Shaped by the West Wind

Nature and History in Georgian Bay

by (author) Claire Elizabeth Campbell

Red Serge and Polar Bear Pants

The Biography of Harry Stallworthy, RCMP

by (author) William Barr


A Canadian Perspective

edited by Royal Ontario Museum

Creeping Conformity

How Canada Became Suburban, 1900-1960

by (author) Richard Harris

The Force of Culture

Vincent Massey and Canadian Sovereignty

by (author) Karen Finlay

Secret Gardens, Satanic Mills

Placing Girls in European History, 1750-1960

edited by Mary Jo Maynes, Birgitte Søland & Christina Benninghaus
contributions by Katherine Alaimo, Clare Crowston, Pamela Cox, Ann Davin, Andreas Gestrich, Céline Grasser, Irene Hardach, Elizabeth Bright Jones, Claire Langhamer, Carol E. Morgan, Tammy M. Proctor, Rebecca Rogers, Karin M. Schmidlechner, Deborah Simonton & Mary Lynn Stewart

Healthy Democracies

Welfare Politics in Taiwan and South Korea

by (author) Joseph Wong


by (author) Velma Demerson

British Light Infantryman of the Seven Years' War

North America 1757-63

by (author) Ian McCulloch & Tim Todish
illustrated by Steve Noon

From Migrant to Acadian

A North American Border People, 1604-1755

by (author) N.E.S. Griffiths

Quebec Sketchbook

1940 - 2004

by (author) John Collins

Wild and Free

by (author) Frank Cooke
as told by Jack Boudreau

Modern Clan Politics

The Power of "Blood" in Kazakhstan and Beyond

by (author) Edward Schatz

Newfoundland Disasters

by (author) Jack Fitzgerald

Families of the King

Writing Identity in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

by (author) Alice Sheppard

Building Our Future

A People's Architectural History of Saskatchewan

by (author) Joe Ralko

Cutting up the North

The History of the Forest Industry in the Northern Interior.

by (author) Ken Bernsohn

Men Against the Sea

Ships Lost in the Newfoundland Foreign Trade

by (author) Michael McCarthy & Joe Prim

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