Browse Books in History

Great Canadian Romances

The Battle of Seven Oaks
And the Violent Birth of The Red River Settlement
Growing Up and Going to War: 1925-1945

Negotiated Memory
Doukhobor Autobiographical Discourse

The Red Man's on the Warpath
The Image of the "Indian" and the Second World War

One River, Two Cultures
A History of the Bella Coola Valley

Shaped by the West Wind
Nature and History in Georgian Bay

Red Serge and Polar Bear Pants
The Biography of Harry Stallworthy, RCMP

A Canadian Perspective

Creeping Conformity
How Canada Became Suburban, 1900-1960

The Force of Culture
Vincent Massey and Canadian Sovereignty

Secret Gardens, Satanic Mills
Placing Girls in European History, 1750-1960

Healthy Democracies
Welfare Politics in Taiwan and South Korea


British Light Infantryman of the Seven Years' War
North America 1757-63

From Migrant to Acadian
A North American Border People, 1604-1755

Quebec Sketchbook
1940 - 2004

Wild and Free
Modern Clan Politics
The Power of "Blood" in Kazakhstan and Beyond

Newfoundland Disasters
Families of the King
Writing Identity in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle

Building Our Future
A People's Architectural History of Saskatchewan

Cutting up the North
The History of the Forest Industry in the Northern Interior.

Men Against the Sea
Ships Lost in the Newfoundland Foreign Trade