Browse Books in History

Arming the Chinese
The Western Armaments Trade in Warlord China, 1920-28, Second Edition

The Chronicles of John Cannon, Excise Officer and Writing Master, Part 2
1734-43 (Somerset)

The Revenge of the Methodist Bicycle Company
Sunday Streetcars and Municipal Reform In Toronto, 1888-1897

The Oxford Companion to Canadian Military History

The Damned
The Canadians at the Battle of Hong Kong and the POW Experience, 1941-45

Millions of Souls
The Philip Riteman Story

Gold Diggers
Striking It Rich in the Klondike

How The Scots Invented Canada


No Lack of Courage
Operation Medusa, Afghanistan

So Few on Earth
A Labrador Métis Woman Remembers

Viscount Haldane
'The Wicked Step-father of the Canadian Constitution'

The Making of the Mosaic
A History of Canadian Immigration Policy

Wolfe Pack, The
Stories of a Mid-Western Family 1850-1950

Leader, Warrior, Peacemaker

Polar Bears
The Arctic’s Fearless Great Wanderers

Broken Circle
The Dark Legacy of Indian Residential Schools: A Memoir

Game in the Garden
A Human History of Wildlife in Western Canada to 1940

The History of Canmore

Roy & Me
This Is Not a Memoir

Seeing Reds
The Red Scare of 1918-1919, Canada's First War on Terror

The October Crisis, 1970
An Insider's View

Laurentian University
A History

A Fleeting Empire
Early Stuart Britain and the Merchant Adventurers to Canada