Browse Books in History

Giants, Cannibals & Monsters
Bigfoot in Native Culture

First to Die
The First Canadian Navy Casualties in the First World War

Cultured Violence
Narrative, Social Suffering, and Engendering Human Rights in Contemporary South Africa

Dead Woman Pickney
A Memoir of Childhood in Jamaica

Deathly Deception
The Real Story of Operation Mincemeat

Cottage Country Ghosts
Ontario Hauntings

Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace, Second Edition
Patterns, Problems, Possibilities

Fugitives of the Forest
The Heroic Story Of Jewish Resistance And Survival During The Second World War

Emancipation Day
Celebrating Freedom in Canada

Frank McKenna
Beyond Politics
Revolution and Other Writings
A Political Reader

The Firm
The Inside Story of the Stasi

National Plots
Historical Fiction and Changing Ideas of Canada

Covering Niagara
Studies in Local Popular Culture

The The West and Beyond
New Perspectives on an Imagined Region

Writing British Columbia History, 1784-1958

Feminized Justice
The Toronto Women’s Court, 1913-34

Art in Turmoil
The Chinese Cultural Revolution, 1966-76

One of the Family
Metis Culture in Nineteenth-Century Northwestern Saskatchewan

The Hero and the Historians
Historiography and the Uses of Jacques Cartier

Urbanizing Frontiers
Indigenous Peoples and Settlers in 19th-Century Pacific Rim Cities

Sensing Changes
Technologies, Environments, and the Everyday, 1953-2003

De la couleur des lois
Une histoire juridique du racisme au Canada entre 1900 et 1950

Lost Kids
Vulnerable Children and Youth in Twentieth-Century Canada and the United States