Browse Books in History

Expedition to Disaster
The Athenian Mission to Sicily 415 BC
Past and Present

Battle On The Ice

Matria Redux
Caribbean Women Novelize the Past

Bellwether Histories
Animals, Humans, and US Environments in Crisis

Settler Cannabis
From Gold Rush to Green Rush in Indigenous Northern California
The Emperor Caligula in the Ancient Sources

Let It All Fall
Underground Music and the Culture of Rebellion in Newfoundland, 1977–95

King and Chaos
The 1935 Canadian General Election

The Smallest Hope

Small Stories of War
Children, Youth, and Conflict in Canada and Beyond

Statesmen, Strategists, and Diplomats
Canada’s Prime Ministers and the Making of Foreign Policy

Women's Movements in Postwar Montreal

Facing Black Star

How Canada Cancels Blackness

Lord Selkirk’s Scottish Colonists and the Battle for Canada’s West, 1813–1816

The Chatham Coloured All-Stars’ Barrier-Breaking Year

Julius Caesar in Egypt
Cleopatra and the War in Alexandria

The Slow Rush of Colonization
Spaces of Power in the Maritime Peninsula, 1680–1790

Room at the Inn
Historic Hotels of British Columbia’s Southern Interior

My Fight for Survival, Hope, and Justice for Indigenous Women and Girls

Ukrainian Scorpions
A Tale of Larceny and Greed

Out To Defend Ourselves
A History of Montreal’s First Haitian Street Gang

No Choice
Canadian Women Tell Their Stories of Illegal Abortion