Browse Books in History

Wanda's War
An Untold Story of Nazi Europe, Forced Labour, and a Canadian Immigration Scandal

Writing and Rewriting the Reich
Women Journalists in the Nazi and Post-War Press

People, Politics, and Purpose
Biography and Canadian Political History

China’s Asymmetric Statecraft
Alignments, Competitors, and Regional Diplomacy

Secession and Conflict
Iraqi Kurdistan in Comparative Perspective

Enemy Archives
Soviet Counterinsurgency Operations and the Ukrainian Nationalist Movement – Selections from the Secret Police Archives

Politics and the English Country House, 1688–1800

Enemy Archives
Soviet Counterinsurgency Operations and the Ukrainian Nationalist Movement - Selections from the Secret Police Archives

Politics and the English Country House, 1688-1800

Fragile Cargo
The World War II Race to Save the Treasures of China's Forbidden City

Lost in Cabbagetown
A Memoir of Surviving Boyhood in 1960s Toronto

L’histoire de l’école de médecine du nord de l’ontario

Wars of Position?
Marxism Today, Cultural Politics and the Remaking of the Left Press, 1979-90

Performing Postracialism
Reflections on Antiblackness, Nation, and Education through Contemporary Blackface in Canada

Consecrated Ground 2nd Edition

Strange Bewildering Time
Istanbul to Kathmandu in the Last Year of the Hippie Trail

James P. Cannon and the Emergence of Trotskyism in the United States, 1928-38

Clara at the Door with a Revolver
The Scandalous Black Suspect, the Exemplary White Son, and the Murder That Shocked Toronto

Winning Women's Hearts and Minds
Selling Cold War Culture in the US and the USSR

Ensnared between Hitler and Stalin
Refugee Scientists in the USSR

True North Rising
My fifty-year journey with the Inuit and Dene leaders who transformed Canada's North

Carnival in Alabama
Marked Bodies and Invented Traditions in Mobile

Why Rivals Intervene
International Security and Civil Conflict
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