Browse Books in History

Stewards of Splendour
A History of Wildlife and People in British Columbia

The 7 Deadly Myths
Antisemitism from the time of Christ to Kanye West (Second edition, revised and supplemented)

Blood on the Coal
The True Story of the Great Springhill Mine Disaster

It's All about the Land
Collected Talks and Interviews on Indigenous Resurgence

The Matryoshka Memoirs
A Story of Ukrainian Forced Labour, the Leica Camera Factory, and Nazi Resistance

A War Guest in Canada

The Age of Insecurity
Coming Together as Things Fall Apart

Timeline of the British Monarchy

Laughing Back at Empire
The Grassroots Activism of The Asianadian Magazine, 1978–1985

The Crimean War and Cultural Memory
The War France Won and Forgot

Jemmy Jock Bird
Marginal Man on the Blackfoot Frontier

Terry & Me
The Inside Story of Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope

Peace and Good Order
The Case for Indigenous Justice in Canada

No Harmless Power
The Life and Times of the Ukrainian Anarchist Nestor Makhno

Canada in Afghanistan
A story of military, diplomatic, political and media failure 2003-2023

Who Killed Richard Oland?
A real-life murder mystery

The Flawed Genius of William Playfair
The Story of the Father of Statistical Graphics

Kiss the Red Stairs
The Holocaust, Once Removed: A Memoir

Sporting Justice
The Chatham Coloured All-Stars and Black Baseball in Southwestern Ontario, 1915–1958

Talking to the Story Keepers
Tales from the Chilcotin Plateau

Tank Commander Cadet in the Yom Kippur War

Natural Allies
Environment, Energy, and the History of US-Canada Relations

Ordinary People, Extraordinary Times
Living the British Empire in Jamaica, 1756

Toronto Mayors
A History of the City's Leaders