Browse Books in History

Expeditions of Honour
The Journal of John Salusbury in Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1749-53

Chess Game for Democracy
Hungary between East and West, 1944-1947

Louis XV's Army (2)
French Infantry

St. John's
A Brief History

Cape Race
Stories from the Coast that Sank the Titanic

Oral History on Trial
Recognizing Aboriginal Narratives in the Courts

Textual Cultures of Medieval Italy

Strange Creatures and Fantastic Beings From Inuit Myths and Legends, Second Edition

Rogues and Rascals
True Stories of Maritime Lives and Legends

Old Indian Trails of the Canadian Rockies

Just a Larger Family
Letters of Marie Williamson from the Canadian Home Front,1940–1944

Otto Strasser in Paradise

Storyteller Guitar
Tales of Life from Art, Science and History

Storyteller Guitar

Our Way to Fight
Israeli and Palestinian Activists for Peace

A Meditation and History on the Great Plains

World Without Walls
Being Human, Being Tamil

A Meditation and History on the Great Plains

Through Feminist Eyes
Essays on Canadian Women’s History

The Life of Norman Bethune

The Body Legal in Barbarian Law

Orality and Literacy
Reflections across Disciplines

Orality and Literacy
Reflections across Disciplines

Serbian Dreambook
National Imaginary in the Time of Miloševi