Browse Books in History

Serbian Dreambook
National Imaginary in the Time of Miloševi

Always an Adventure
An Autobiography

Lookout, The
A History of Signal Hill

The Old South's Modern Worlds
Slavery, Region, and Nation in the Age of Progress

Whoever Gives Us Bread
The Story of Italians in British Columbia

The Fluid Envelope of our Planet
How the Study of Ocean Currents Became a Science

The Many Voyages of Arthur Wellington Clah
A Tsimshian Man on the Pacific Northwest Coast

Rumrunners, The
A Prohibition Scrapbook

Town That Died, The
A Chronicle of the Halifax Explosion

Last Folio
Textures of Jewish Life in Slovakia

Writing History
A Guide for Canadian Students

Russian America
An Overseas Colony of a Continental Empire, 1804-1867

Burdens of Proof
Faith, Doubt, and Identity in Autobiography

The Invasion of Canada
Battles of the War of 1812

Only in New Brunswick
New Stories from David GossNew Stories From David Goss
Miracles and Mysteries
The Halifax Explosion December 6, 1917

Old Indian Trails of the Canadian Rockies

From Mission to Modernity
Evangelicals, Reformers and Education in Nineteenth Century Egypt

Veiled Employment
Islamism and the Political Economy of Women's Employment in Iran

The Listener

Corps Commanders
Five British and Canadian Generals at War, 1939-45

Licensing Loyalty
Printers, Patrons, and the State in Early Modern France

Witnesses to Permanent Revolution
The Documentary Record

Stories of Newmarket
An Old Ontario Town