Browse Books in History
Ingeniously Wrong
The Curious Life of Dead Ideas
John McCrae
Beyond Flanders Fields
The Sustainability Dilemma
Essays on British Columbia Forest and Environmental History
Charity and Sylvia
A Same-Sex Marriage in Early America
All the Fine Young Eagles
In the Cockpit with Canada's Second World War Fighter Pilots
The Church Lads' Brigade in Newfoundland
A People's Story
Surviving the Gulag
A German Woman’s Memoir
Engaging the Line
How the Great War Shaped the Canada–US Border
Saint Germain des Prés
The Heart of Paris 1945-1955
Vancouver in the Seventies
Photos from a Decade that Changed the City
The Correspondence of Erasmus
Letters 2357 to 2471, Volume 17
Borderline Crime
Fugitive Criminals and the Challenge of the Border, 1819-1914
Imperial Plots
Women, Land, and the Spadework of British Colonialism on the Canadian Prairies
Double Exposure
Plays of the Jewish and Palestinian Diasporas
A Perfect Eden
Encounters by Early Explorers of Vancouver Island
Celtic Lightning
How The Scots And The Irish Created A Canadian
Lines of Flight
An Atomic Memoir
Stephen Harper
Letters from Beauly
Pat Hennessy and the Canadian Forestry Corps in Scotland, 1940-1945
Lighthouses of Nova Scotia
Discovering their history and heritage
Impulse to Act
A New Anthropology of Resistance and Social Justice
Too Young to Die
Canada's Boy Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen in the Second World War